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Island Hunter: Puerto Rico, odc. 4

Jutro, 23 lipca, 09:50
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Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
Puerto Rico is one of the most popular vacation destinations for Americans, and it's easy to see why; everyone speaks English, it's easy to get to, and of course, it's still a part of the US! Host Liesel Hlista starts off her journey with a goal to feel at one with herself and the best way to do that is with a stint of yoga, atop a paddleboard. SUP yoga! Feeling centered, she begins exploring the island by taking a very detailed walking historical tour as well as a food tour. Bouncing around cantinas and trying out slushy drinks made with the local Don Q rum, Liesel gets a unique insight into old San Juan. To step up the action, Liesel also explores all the hands-on activities such as riding horseback on the beach, riding ATV's through the muddy swamps, and hiking through the super lush El Yunque rainforest. Luxurious resorts are only a stone's throw away - hopping islands, Liesel gets to experience the ultra modern and chic El Blok located in Vieques. Between stays at all the luxury boutique resorts, a common trend starts to appear, and that is the island's cuisine. Spanish influences, blended with American fine dining, Liesel gets a taste of the eclectic but high end cuisine spanning from top resorts, to gas-station turned diners. This is an island that does food unlike any other and becomes the cornerstone of this Island Hunter adventure.


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