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Schumann - Humoreske, Op. 20

Jutro, 28 lipca, 09:08
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Riccardo Schwartz
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Italy. After recording all 32 Ludwig van Beethoven piano sonatas to celebrate the composer's 250th birth anniversary, celebrated Italian pianist Riccardo Schwartz decided to record solo piano works by Robert Schumann. In this performance, Schwartz performs Humoreske in B-flat major, Op. 20. Schumann composed the work in 1839 and dedicated it to German-Austrian composer Julie von Webenau. The piece's title refers to humor as an emotional state. Schumann took his inspiration from German Romantic writer Jean Paul, who defines humor as "an infinity of contrast", "a setting of the small world beside the great", and where "a kind of laughter results which contains pain and greatness". Humoreske is one continuous piece consisting of contrasting sections. Acclaimed pianist Riccardo Schwartz (1986) has performed as a soloist with many world-renowned conductors, including Gustav Kuhn and Yuri Temirkanov. His acclaimed performances include recitals and concertos for piano and orchestra in many prestigious concert halls.


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