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Tchaikovsky - Overture-Fantasy Romeo and Juliet

Piątek, 5 lipca, 04:50
Nie przegap
Sinfonia Rotterdam & Conrad van Alphen
Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
De Doelen, Rotterdam. Conrad van Alphen conducts Sinfonia Rotterdam in a performance of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's Overture-Fantasy "Romeo and Juliet". Van Alphen founded Sinfonia Rotterdam in 2000. Under his passionate leadership, this orchestra has developed into one of the Netherland's best-known orchestras. Tchaikovsky based his composition on Shakespeare's famous play "Romeo and Juliet". After finishing a first version of Romeo and Juliet in 1870, Tchaikovsky rewrote sections of the composition twice, completing the third and final version ten years later. The Overture-Fantasy opens with a slow introduction, primarily led by the clarinets and bassoons. The composition is dominated by its famous love theme, representing the love between Romeo and Juliet. This beautiful theme is introduced in the first half of the piece, played by the English horn and violas, and recurs in different sections of the composition. At the end, the love theme is heard in minor mode, which emphasized the tragic element of the story of the two lovers.


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