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Origins 4: The Witcher, odc. 7

Jutro, 23 lipca, 20:00
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Few games in recent years have caused a stir like CD Projekt Red's 'The Witcher 3', but the road to fame and fortune was a long one for the Polish developers. On this episode we'll be covering how two entrepreneurs laboured to create the most valuable video game development team in Europe.
Sezon 4 : w poprzednich odcinkach
Hailed as one of the most important horror games of all time, Silent Hill has had a profound impact on gamers, and the industry, since it's debut.
In an industry where technological advancements are make or break for a company, Nintendo took a risk and dared to be different, presenting the world...
In an era when mascots could make or break gaming franchises, Spyro the Dragon soared above and beyond his competitors, becoming a treasured icon for...
Now synonymous with blockbuster titles, Rockstar North started their journey from very humble sources. We track their progress from indie Scottish...
Initially set to be Sega's secret weapon in the war against Nintendo, Sonic is a title that drastically altered the home console market in the 1990s....
As one of the most profitable franchises in video game history, The Sims is a fond title for millions around the globe. Yet this lucrative franchise...
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