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Babes On Wheels

Pozycja archiwalna
Wtorek, 25 czerwca, 15:05
Film erotyczny
Anna Polina, Alexis Crystal, Sofi Goldfinger
Kat. wiekowa:
Ocena (1 głos ):
Poleć znajomym:
Alexis Crystal is a journalist with her entire career on the line and a streak of bad articles has left her needing a big story to stop being fired. Whilst searching the city she finds it in the most unlikely of places... the roar of a motorcycle cruising by gives her the perfect idea, to join a biker gang. Danger, excitement, thrills, it surely has it all as Alexis embarks on the ride of a lifetime. The keys to her adventure lie with Sofie Goldfinger and Jesus Reyes, who she must convince with a wild threesome to let her join. Once in she will meet the fiery Anna Polina, a biker chick that demands DP from her husband, and the stunning Natalie Starr, a lone rider that wants back in and will fuck her way to get there. But that's not all, this gang has so much more to offer that Alexis won't want to go back, so fire up your engine and prepare to go full throttle in Private Gold, Babes on Wheels.


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