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PONYLAND - InJazz 2019

Jutro, 23 lipca, 16:34
Nie przegap
Frankie Oâkeeffe, Geoff Bartholomew, Jordie Cooke & Mark Johnson
Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
LantarenVenster, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Jazz festival slash conference inJazz brings together the supply and demand sides of the Dutch jazz scene, helping artists share knowledge and experiences and stimulating the development of international relationships. The conference program includes inspiring panel discussions, workshops, networking sessions and presentations. During the night, promising Dutch jazz acts as well as more seasoned groups hit the stage to show what theyâre capable of. One of the bands performing at inJazz is Ponyland, a UK-based ensemble that brings together professional musicians from across Newcastle and Cumbria to create a unique sound. Two drummers, vocals, lead and bass guitar and a mighty horn section create a heady, energetic mix of samba-reggae, drum and bass, Afrobeat and jazz.


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Cyfrowy Polsat SA
ul. Łubinowa 4a, 03-878 Warszawa

Czynny od pn. do pt. w godz. 8:30-16:30

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