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The Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed Live

Pozycja archiwalna
Piątek, 21 czerwca, 00:00
The Moody Blues
Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
The Sony Centre, Toronto. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of their landmark album, Days of Future Passed, The Moody Blues took to the road to perform the entire LP live. This film, capturing an electric evening at The Sony Centre, Toronto, where the band was joined on stage by a full orchestra for the first time ever, is the definitive performance of this seminal album. This spectacle of a show features stunning visuals and a unique narration performed by Jeremy Irons, transporting the audience and viewer to the psychedelic dream world of their classic record. Including the iconic hits Nights In White Satin and Tuesday Afternoon, this film truly pays homage to five decades of musical mastery. In this impressive yet intimate auditorium, The Moody Blues have never sounded better.


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