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Lady Gaga - Live in London 2013

Pozycja archiwalna
Piątek, 21 czerwca, 10:21
Lady Gaga
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Roundhouse, London. Lady Gaga's performance at the iTunes Festival in London on September 1, 2013 marks the superstar's first full concert since the The Born This Way Ball. It is an eight song set containing the world premiere of seven tracks from her fourth album, ARTPOP: "Aura"; "MANiCURE"; "Artpop"; "Jewels N' Drugs" ft. T.I., Too $hort and Twista; "Sexxx Dreams", "Swine"; and "I Wanna Be With You", a song that transformed into "Dope" for ARTPOP. During the concert, captured stunningly in HD, Gaga says that she's "a bit like Dorothy right now." The stage is her Kansas, the crowd is her family, and their reunion is pure magic. Lady Gaga, her dancers, and her band traverse through visual and musical themes of love, sex, violence, beauty, danger, empowerment, hustle, lust, and above all ART. Throughout, Gaga lays her heart bare for the audience and the cameras with every note sung and every word spoken.


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