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Muse - Rock Legends

Pozycja archiwalna
Sobota, 22 czerwca, 03:00
Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
Various. Muse have been pushing the boundaries of rock music since the early 90s and with it have sold an excess of 15 million albums. Their bombastic stage shows have seen them build a huge live following and play arenas around the world. And it all started for them in the Devon town of Teignmouth. The trio's talent and range of influences led to them winning a local battle of the bands contest and more importantly a record deal. Matt Bellamy's guitar playing came to the fore on, 'Origin of Symmetry' with many of the songs featuring riffs inspired by Jimi Hendrix and Rage Against the Machine. In 2003 Muse's third album, 'Absolution' became platinum across Europe. The success of singles, 'Time is Running Out' and, 'Hysteria' also lead to the Devon band cracking America. Featuring archive material, music videos - "SUPERMASSIVE BLACKHOLE" "THE UPRISING" and, exclusive insights from music critics and journalists JOHN AIZLEWOOD (Evening Standard), DANIELLE PERRY (XFM), WILL HODGKINSON (The Times) & CAMILLA PIA (BBC Radio 6)


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