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Misha Fomin at the Concertgebouw

Pozycja archiwalna
Sobota, 21 grudnia, 14:01
Misha Fomin & Atrium Sting Quartet
Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. Since his spectacular debut recital at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw in 2002, pianist Misha Fomin has become an indispensable part of Dutch musical life. National and international press praise his playing for its fluently natural virtuosity, rich color palette, and great musical intelligence. In this concert, recorded at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Fomin performs a number of pieces including Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition (1874). The movements are separated by the Promenade: a recurring, varied theme that evokes the walk from one painting to the next. The various promenades are variations on the same theme, which recurs in two other movements (Cum mortus in lingua mortua and The Bogatyr Gates (In the Capital in Kiev)). Mussorgsky wrote this cycle in three weeks' time in 1874. When Mussorgsky visited the exhibition of his friend, the late painter Viktor Hartmann, he wrote to a friend that "sounds and ideas hung in the air, I am gulping and overeating, and can barely manage to scribble them on paper.


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