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Jutro, 22 grudnia, 21:30
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Ocena (0 głosów ):
Poleć znajomym:
Tidal follows the journey of Lisa Beasley. After she suffered a horrible BASE jumping accident, she struggles to return to the ocean, but ends convincing herself to venture back into the water. Lisa's journey begins with a childhood love of water and sea life. Lucky of surviving the accident, she must now face an immense recovery period that brings her closer to her mother as well as her first love: the sea.As Lisa struggles to find an exercise she can handle, she starts discovering the beauty surrounding Cape Town's ocean. The tidal pools in particular became very meaningful to Lisa's recovery, and she must now work to protect them from the harmful historical cleaning protocols that kill the marine life she has come to love.Watch Lisa's inspirational transformation and realisation of the beauty of the ocean in this impactful documentary that reminds us of the importance of self-recovery and reconnection with the ocean. Available on Nautical Channel.


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